+ Profile:
A young, dynamic and fast growing company, NSI has been providing high quality web hosting and development solutions to individuals and companies since 2004.

NSI was established as a franchise of the Canadian company WSI, a year later we converted to do business on our own under our own name, launching our dedicated server located in USA, we started providing web hosting services powered by the latest Microsoft Windows 2003 operating system, our aim was to offer the balance of performance, reliability, affordability and customer support required to successfully host a website in today’s demanding climate.

We also provided domain name registration & search engine optimization services. And in order to give our clients a complete service we have our own web design & development team and we provide our clients with high quality websites using the latest Microsoft technologies.

Not only limited to internet services, we are also in the business of advertising materials which includes presentation CDs, designing & printing of business cards, letter heads, brochures, flyers, etc...
We currently have two branches, our main branch is located in Alexandria, the other is in Cairo.

Our goal is to become the market leader in our business. We know that to achieve this we must ensure our products and customer support remain second to none. We will continue to talk to our customers, to find out what we do well, what we don't and how we can improve. Our open and honest philosophy is simple - tell us when we get it wrong and tell everyone else when we get it right.